Wednesday, 5 Mar 2025

Submit Your Content

If you would like to submit your party, kids room design or recipe to be featured on The Children's Planner We would love to see it! If your content is featured, your submission and web url/business will be seen on the site and over all our social media platforms. With the unique visitors The Children's Planner receives, subscriber emails, Facebook posts (over 28,000 fans), instagram and twitter followers, your party & vendors will be seen by A LOT of people. And that's just the beginning...your party will continue to be viewed and showcased on our site.
Tell us all about your content. Tell us what you did to create your content. From concept ideas to design boards to finished designs. Share with us as much detail as you can. Please list vendor name and website information so we can give credit to them, if applicable. If your content is chosen, your words above will be included in the post. Please be advised that it may be necessary to edit your content for length or to match The Children's Planner style guide.
Beautiful high resolution photographs that highlight the details of your content are more likely to be selected. All photographs should be unwatermarked and atleast 600px wide. Kindly upload your photos to an online album like Facebook, photobucket, flickr, etc, and provide the link/URL to where your photos are located.
By typing your name below you are giving permission to publish your photos & content details.

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