How To Change Baby’s Diaper

Smiling baby lying on white sheet.


Step-by-Step Instructions for Changing A Diaper


Babies need their diapers changed frequently to avoid diaper rashes and discomfort.

An area in the home should be organized for changing baby’s diaper. This could be a changing table in the nursery or a portable changing station in another area of the home.   The changing table should be stocked with diaper changing supplies, which include:

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Diaper cream
  • Diaper pail


Before you begin, wash your hands.

Unfasten soiled diaper then slightly hold baby’s legs up. Pull the front half of the diaper down between baby’s legs laying it flat on changing surface.

Next slide the dirty diaper from under baby’s bottom while still holding baby’s legs up.

Using a wipe(s) gently clean soiled area while holding baby’s legs up with one hand.

Air dry the skin for a moment then lay the back half of a clean diaper under baby. Place baby’s legs down. Pull the front half up between baby’s legs onto baby’s stomach.

Hold the front of the diaper in place with one hand and use the other hand to secure the diaper with side tabs.

Dress baby

Babies need changing as many as nine or twelve times a day, while older babies need to be changed at least six to eight times.

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