Wednesday, 26 Mar 2025


Young woman listening to music on phone.

College Interview – What Questions Should You Expect?

by Devin Yeo College interviews are another chance for you to tell the admissions officers more about yourself. You will want to take the interview seriously, because it helps paint a better picture of you as a student. Although it’s not a good idea to over-prepare yourself for a college interview, you should always anticipate […]

Two women working on laptop together.

How to Find and Apply for Scholarships

(StatePoint) Savvy students and families know that scholarships can play an integral role in meeting college costs. To help students and families find and apply for scholarships, Sallie Mae, the nation’s saving, planning, and paying for college company, is offering six tips: • Get an early start. Apply for scholarships your junior year of high […]

Smiling woman receives car keys.

Car-Shopping Tips for Students and Grads

(StatePoint) College is a time when many young people buy their first cars. But with the rising cost of a degree, students and their families will want to ensure they are getting a good value on vehicle purchases. Here are some great ways to get more bang for your buck: Go Certified Pre-Owned The last […]

FAFSA form for federal student aid.

What to Know About Applying for College Financial Aid

(StatePoint) Heading to college or grad school next school year for the first time or as a returning student? Don’t forget to apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for academic year 2019-20. Completing it is the most important step to qualify for some of the $150 billion available in financial aid […]

Family using laptop on couch in home.

How Families Today are Paying for College

(StatePoint) The way families pay for college is a good indicator of how much planning takes place before the first tuition bill arrives. A new study by Sallie Mae suggests that while families are feeling confident in their decision making, nearly 40 percent do not have a plan to pay for college. Last year, family […]

Mother and daughter hugging goodbye by a car.

Study Finds Millennials Are Determined to Lessen Kids’ College Debt

Poor parents of college-bound kids. According to the just-released 9th annual national “College Saving Indicator Study” conducted by Fidelity Investments, while more parents are putting away money to finance their children’s college education — 69 percent nationwide, up 5 percent from last year — they’re still on track to save just 27 percent of their […]