How a Blue Halloween Bucket Helps Children with Autism

What does it mean when you see a blue pumpkin or bucket this Halloween?
With Halloween approaching, parents have a fun new way to make trick-or- treating inclusive for all children, especially kids with Autism.
A blue pumpkin is used to symbolize Autism. If carried by a trick-or-treater it means they may have certain needs.
If a child wants to partake in the trick-or-treating tradition, they will have to dress up and go door-to-door. This can be difficult and scary for someone with Autism, especially when asked to boast, “trick or treat!”
One mother shared a post, on Facebook, of her 3-year-old son who is nonverbal and said they will be trying a new technique to ensure people who hand out candy understand he has a disability.
“My son is 3 years old and has autism. He is nonverbal. Last year houses will wait for him to say TRICK OR TREAT in order for him to get a piece of candy and there I go explaining the situation for the next 5 blocks. This year we will be trying the blue bucket to signify he has autism. Please allow him (or any other person with a blue bucket) to enjoy this day and don’t worry I’ll still say ‘trick or treat’ for him,” she wrote. “This holiday is hard enough without any added stress. Thank you in advance.”
Her post went viral giving more people the chance to understand what they can do to make all children, including those with Autism, feel included this Halloween.
If your child has Autism and enjoys trick-or-treating, join the movement, get them a blue Halloween bucket and go celebrate Halloween with the other children in your community.