Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025

George Floyd’s Daughter Gianna, 6, is a Disney Stockholder

Barbara Streisland and Gianna Floyd

Barbara Streisand gifted George Floyd’s 6 year old daughter Gianna Floyd with Disney stock.  Gianna reached out via her growing Instagram account to thank Streisand and posting a series of smiling photos.

“Thank You @barbrastreisand for my package, I am now a Disney Stockholder thanks to you,” Gianna wrote.

Mrs. Streisand is the latest celebrity to try to help ensure financial security for the family of Floyd by purchasing stocks for his six-year-old daughter Gianna.

Streisand’s representatives confirmed that she had sent Floyd’s daughter the shares, as well as videos of two television specials, 1965’s My Name is Barbra and Color Me Barbra (1966).

“I sent Gianna videos where I played a little girl in my first television special,” said Streisand, “singing kid songs, and my second special – a sequence with lots of baby animals.”

Disney shares currently cost about $127.00.

Streisand has called the death of Floyd on 25 May in Minneapolis, after a police officer pressed his knee into his neck for nearly nine minutes, “a modern day lynching”.

A week ago, Streisand reposted a widely shared video of Gianna on her father’s shoulders, with the child’s message: “Daddy changed the world”.

Streisand’s gift has more value than its cash value, its also going to serve as a valuable financial tool to Gianna.  Teaching kids money management strategies from an early age will ensure their future financial success.  Read more about preparing kids for financial success here.

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